Nice that you have landed here,
I would like to introduce myself briefly.
My name is Marta and I travel the world with my husband Florian.
We have been travelling for over a year now and don't plan to stop in the near future. A lot has happened on this trip and we have also developed further.

So we also started this online shop because we want to become financially independent and invest time and work in our projects.
I am a trained graphic designer and draw with passion. I also don't want to miss travelling and photography. Florian loves the culinary arts more, which unfortunately can sometimes backfire. but as they say: no risk, no fun.
You can also follow our journey here.

As this is our first blog post, it is a special honour for us that you are reading this.
I would like to thank you personally for this and let you know what you can expect here in the future.
There will be posts about our travels but also with a focus on financial independence and development. Of course, there will also be posts about the artwork I've created and I'm looking forward to feedback from you as we want to develop further.
Thank you again for staying until the end. we wish you all the best.
Best Greetings
Marta and Florian